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Monday, 18 February 2008 13:20     E-mail
The Cost of Electricity: Vectrix lose $54Mill

Now I am no accountant but it sounds to me that a 54 million dollar loss versus only 800 odd thousand dollars in sales is a pretty big hit.

Vectrix are making a big, big push into the electric scooter market and they are not too far off the mark with their electric Maxi. Unfortunately this particular scooter is too expensive at approximately US$11,000 to make many people ignore it’s foibles the main one being very limited range per charge, sure it states 100kms per charge but this is at a constant (low) speed. We applaud Vectrix for trying to develop this market and it looks like they have some solid investment so hopefully the investors see the light at the end of the tunnel. With continued backing I am sure Vectrix can produce a machine that is more feasible for the market.

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written by Kenny , September 15, 2008
hell, of course they lose money! I don't see they make the effort to make the bike available to many countries.I emailed them inquiring the possibility to sell it in SouthEast asia, but no reply.
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