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Thursday, 19 November 2009 22:41     E-mail
Malaguti has a great idea

Well Malaguti has had a somewhat complicated recent history but they have recently shown what I consider to be a damned good idea. Now I personally don't "dig" scooters or bikes with roofs... however, there is a huge benefit to the idea i.e. not getting rained on incessantly over the winter. So what have Malaguti come up with to sway me?

Simple, so simple I am surprised it isn't a more common accessory, a roof that you can bolt on! I told you it was simple, it is for the worst name scooter on earth (yes worse than BeeWee) the Blog in both 125 and 160cc varieties. It simply attaches via the windscreen screws and the rear luggage rack. So bolt it on for winter and throw it in the garage for the sunny summer. There is even a "simple" to attach windscreen wiper and switch setup for the torrential days. Good idea... come on other manufacturers keep up.

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written by dress , May 05, 2011
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written by Antonio Blanco , November 23, 2009
Actually Renault put the same think on the market at least 10 years ago. Renault wanted to get into the scooter market and choose, Malagutti? for partnering. For some reason, after few years in the market Renault scooters dissapeared.

Here a 2nd hand one for sale in Spain from 2002.


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